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Wiccan Traditions H-N

Inclusive Wicca

Inclusive Wicca is an eclectic wiccan tradition which developed from the Oak and Mistletoe Teaching Coven founded in 2008 by Australian, Amethyst Treleven.

 - Inclusive Wicca Link


Lothloriën Wicca

Lothloriën is an Earth-based religion, with our roots in mystery religions of the world. As an Earth-based religion, we celebrate the seasons and the cycles of life. We recognize that Truth is found in many cultures around the world and draw our archetypes from many paths. What makes Lothloriën unique is our acceptance of all people regardless of their culture, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, religion or sexual orientation.

 - Lothlorien Wicca Link


McFarland Dianic

The McFarland Dianic tradition (previously known as Old Dianic) was founded by Morgan McFarland and Mark Roberts in 1971. It is distinguished from the feminist traditions of Dianic Wicca begun by Zsuzsanna Budapest, Starhawk, and others.

The ideas that distinguish the McFarland Tradition as a “Dianic” tradition from other wiccan paths concern its focus upon the "Immortal Goddess in Her threefold aspects of Maiden, Mother and Crone".

 - McFarland Dianic Link


Minoan Brotherhood

The Minoan Brotherhood is an Initiatory Tradition of the Craft for Gay and Bi Men, based on the structures of British Traditional Wica, mainly Gardnerian, and inspired by the spiritual and aesthetic legacy of the Minoan Civilization and some Aegean and Ancient Near Eastern mythology.

 - Minoan Brotherhood Link


Mohsian Tradition of Wicca

Mohsian is comprised of many threads from British Traditional and other sources. Much of our ritual is derived from early (pre-U.S.) Gardnerian and Alexandrian, with some of the loveliest passages from a British Celtic (Pagan, not Wiccan) tradition called Y Plant Bran.

 - Mohsian Tradition of Wicca Link


New Reformed Orthodox Order of the Golden Dawn

The New Reformed Orthodox Order of the Golden Dawn (abbreviated NROOGD, commonly pronounced "nuh-roog'd") is a Wiccan organization/tradition/denomination that, despite its name, has little or nothing to do with the original Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

 - New Reformed Orthodox Order of the Golden_Dawn Link


NorthWind Tradition of American Wicca

NorthWind is a group of individuals who call their religious focus Wicca. NorthWind was founded to help provide solid training for people interested in the Wiccan path. We recognize that no tradition can possibly hope to accomodate everyone. To this end, we encourage our members and students to explore other Paths and Traditions, so they can find the appropriate Path for their growth.

Our primary focus is service to the Community of the Stone Peoples, the general Wiccan and neoPagan community in the U.S, by teaching Wicca, training clergy, leading public rituals, and attempting to increase networking among groups.

 - Nnorthwind Tradition of American Wicca Link



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